Monday, February 5, 2007

Random much??

Randomly Chosen Words: addicted, belligerent, commandeer, domestic, enmity, flippant, gullible, hypocrite, ischium, jojoba, kurtosis, larceny, meningoencephalitis, nematocyst, ostracize, pituitous, quixotic, rabbinate, shibboleth, talaria, undersexed, ventricose, weasand, xenophobe, yenta, zounds.

Although being addicted implies dependence, it is possible to be dependent on a drug without being addicted. In times of war, belligerent countries can be contrasted with neutral countries and non-belligerents. Policemen used to commandeer cars more often. Domestic policy is policy existing or occurring inside a country, not foreign or international. These nouns refer to the feeling or expression of deep-seated ill will. Give them visual queues, what videos you like, what looks you like so the VFX people could have a point of reference. Dolphins are allergic to shrimp. Porpoises are not. The goal of this page is not only to inform you of whether you are a hypocrite or not; it is to inform you of the type of hypocrite you are or are not. The cup-shaped acetabulum is formed by the superior part of the ischium, the superior part of the pubis, and the inferior part of the ilium. Jojoba grows to 1-2 m tall, with a broad, dense crown. A distribution with the same kurtosis as the normal distribution is called "mesokurtic. Larceny is divided in some states into grand and petit larceny depending upon the value of the property stolen. After, nausea and vomit are followed. What if your body also consisted of delicate gelatinous tissue that would easily be destroyed by a struggling prey. As for scientists who might be tempted to pursue the theory, he says, they worry that their colleagues might ostracize them for stepping out of line and that their funding could suffer. Color compositions useful for effecting designs on substrates comprise a color in a thickened aqueous mixture containing a high molecular weight poly(ethylene oxide) homopolymer. I only managed to excavate deeply enough into said box, because I’m infected with a bad case of startitis and needed to find the perfect needles for something(s) new. The Chief Rabbinate consists of The Chief Rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks and his cabinet. Shibboleth is standards-based, open source middleware software which provides Web Single SignOn (SSO) across or within organizational boundaries. Our works have appeared in films and museum exhibits, in classrooms and lavish homes, and in hotels and even on the Nightly News. Many serial killers were undersexed. Distended or swollen in the middle, at the side or round the base. Weasand is from the Middle English wesand and the Old High German weisunt meaning windpipe. Xenophobia is hatred or fear of strangers or of anything foreign or strange, and a xenophobe is a person who has that hatred or fear. Yenta is pleased to provide you with an area to find out "how to do just about anything." "Someone must have slipped one of those post-anarcho-syndicalist pamphlets in with these guys' Beano comics!"

3 comments: said...

I had fun reading your…what is this supposed to be again, some kind of poetry? Well, it was interesting. I liked how some of the sentences you chose were really funny. For example, your last one was odd but funny. My favorite was about dolphins being allergic to shrimp – I didn’t even know that fish could be allergic to anything – especially to other fish! Another sentence that was pretty cool was: The goal of this page is not only to inform you of whether you are a hypocrite or not; it is to inform you of the type of hypocrite you are or are not. I actually followed the link to see who could possibly study hypocrisy? Weird.

Fu said...

Does everyone have a hyperlink connecting them to wikipedia? I found it odd that you sometimes choose the second sentense of your site. I guess it can't be help if the first site that pops up under Google is wikipedia. I think that we should just skip to the site that is not wikipedia just to spread things out a bit. I also find that you have connecting links to difinition of the word. I think it is kinda interesting at least to learn what some of these word's meaning. Thanks for the post and hope to see more of it in the future.

Nga Le said...

Wow, you had a very interesting selection of words such as jojoba, shibboleth, ostracize, and quixotic. I can't even pronounce those words, if you ask me I would say that some of those words are not English. When clicking on the link for the word addicted, I found their definition to be interesting maybe it’s because I have some friends that can relate to it. Hmmm, addiction can be scary especially if it leds someone down a dangerous path. I had a lot of fun reading you piece although I found everyone’s piece hard to follow since there really isn't a nice and even flow. And there's not really a way of comprehending the whole thing as one piece..I think? Anyways nice job!